Motivate. Empower. Inspire.

Ignite: We Are All Human motivates, empowers, and inspires people to take ownership by exposing them to different experiences and perspectives through live shows.

We can help close the gap to our differences when we educate others through our personal stories and cultural experiences. Deo Mwano fuses storytelling, dance and live music to bring organizations and communities together. He helps people learn about different cultures and what influences biases, fears and discriminations. He motivates, inspires and empowers people to take ownership in being better humans to each other.

Designed for everyone

Ignite: We Are All Human is a customizable show that can be performed to different types of audiences:

  • Middle School, High School, andColleges/Universities

  • Business Conferences

  • Tech Events

  • Community Social Event

  • Political Campaigns

  • Church Events

  • Educational Conferences

  • Non-Profits Events